Immer wieder kommt es vor, dass Domaininhaber Mails aus China bekommen. In diesen Mails wird suggeriert, in China würde eine andere Organisation die Domain übernehmen oder gleichlautende Domains unter einer anderen Top-Level-Domain (z.B. .HK .CN usw.) registrieren. Man müsse sich beim Absender melden um diese Übernahme verhindern zu können.
Bei solchen Mails ist immer Vorsicht geboten. Überprüfen Sie vorher ob der Absender tatsächlich von der chinesichen Vergabestelle für Domains (CNNIC) zertifiziert ist.
Es ist zu vermuten, dass die Mails in erster Linie den angeschriebenen Domaininhaber verunsichern sollen. Fällt der auf die Mail rein und meldet sich, wird versucht ihm Domains, Keywords oder Gebühren für nicht geleistete Dienste unterzujubeln.
Die Mails können so oder ähnlich aussehen:
Dear sir or madam,
We are an agency engaging in registering brand name and domain names. Today, Our center received an application from CNK Global Limited and they apply to register xxxxxxxxx as their brand name and some top-level domain names(.CN .HK etc). We found the main body of domain names is same as your company name. I am not sure about the relationship between you and them. Please tell me whether or not your company authorizes them to register names.
We are dealing with the application and we need to confirm whether you have authorized them? If you don’t authorize them, please reply me an e-mail. Looking forward to your reply.
Best regards,
Dylan Sun
Tel:+86-(0)551 6349 1191
Fax:+86-(0)551 6349 1192
Address: No.170,Anqing Road,Hefei City,Anhui China
Dear Manager,
(If you are not the person who is in charge of this, please forward this to your CEO,Thanks)
This email is from China domain name registration center, which mainly deal with the domain name registration and dispute internationally in China and Asia.
On Sep 27th 2015, We received Kenya Ltd’s application that they are registering the name xxxxxxx as their Internet Keyword and „ „, “ “, “ „domain names etc.., they are China and ASIA domain names. But after auditing we found the brand name been used by your company. As the domain name registrar in China, it is our duty to notice you, so we are sending you this email to check. According to the principle in China, your company is the owner of the trademark, In our auditing time we can keep the domain names safe for you firstly, but our audit period is limited, if you object the third party application these domain names and need to protect the brand in china and Asia by yourself, please let the responsible officer contact us as soon as possible. Thank you!Best Regards,
Abby Wang
General Manager
Anhui Office (Head Office)
Registration Department Manager
Room 1008 Shenhui Building
Haitian Road, Huli Anhui, China
Office: +86 0553 4994789
Fax: +86 0553 4994789
Dear sir or madam,
We are an agency for registering domain names authorized by Chinese government. Today, our center received an application from Mxctec Global LLC applying to register xxxxxxxxxx as their brand name and some top-level domain names(.CN .HK etc). After our careful investigation, We found the main body of domain names is same as yours. As a professional registrar, We are obligated to inform you of this situation.
We are handling the application and we need to confirm whether or not you authorize them to register them? Let me know your answer ASAP so as to solve this promptly. Thanks for your cooperation.
Best RegardsBart Wu
Tel:(0086) 0551-63491191
Fax:(0086) 0551-63491192
Address:No.60 Wangjiang East Road Hefei AnHui P.R.China
Dear Manager,
(If you are not the person who is in charge of this, please forward this to your CEO,Thanks)
This email is from China domain name registration center, which mainly deal with the domain name registration and dispute internationally in China.
We received an application from Huaxing Ltd on October 27, 2014. They want to register “ xxxxxxxxxx “ as their Internet Keyword and “ „、“ “ 、“ „、“ “ domain names etc.., they are in China domain names. But after checking it, we find „xxxxxxxxxx.xx“ conflicts with your company. In order to deal with this matter better, so we send you email and confirm whether this company is your distributor or business partner in China or not?
Best Regards,
General Manager
Shanghai Office (Head Office)
3002, Nanhai Building, No. 854 Nandan Road,
Xuhui District, Shanghai 200070, China
Tel: +86 216191 8696
Mobile: +86 1870199 4951
Fax: +86 216191 8697

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aktuelle Email von Heute:
Dear Sir or Madam,
This is a letter to confirm the registration of your company name ascon, please read it carefully. Today, Our center received an application from PZSM Trading Ltd and they apply to register ascon as their brand name and some top-level domain names(.CN .HK etc). We found the main body of domain names is same as your company name. I am not sure about the relationship between you and them. Please tell me whether or not your company authorizes them to register names.
We are dealing with the application and we need to confirm whether you have authorized them? If you don’t authorize them, please reply me an e-mail. Looking forward to your reply.
Best Regards,
Mandy Chan
Tel:+86-(0)551 6349 1191
Fax:+86-(0)551 6349 1192
Address:No.170,Anqing Road,Hefei City,Anhui China
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